Saturday, May 28, 2011

Facing Fear

It seems when God leads us in a direction the first emotion we often face is fear.
Even as I consider writing in a blog, there is a battle with fear. There is a fear of writing something stupid,
there is a fear of embarrassment for myself, my family, my friends, our church. There is fear that I have nothing worthwhile to share, that nobody cares what I think or write, why waste the time? There is a fear of criticism, especially criticism that will be deserved. With all these fears in mind, I decided to write,
1 John 4:18-19 "Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not experienced His perfect love. We love each other because He loved us first."
There is nothing to fear because I am in Christ, Loved by God! Punishment looks back, but as I look back, I am reminded that Jesus Christ took the punishment on the cross for ALL my sins....
So I write, for His Glory, I have nothing really to fear because He first loved. As God leads you to take a step for His Glory today, Just DO IT, when faced with fear, DO IT anyway...You are Loved!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Giving Up Control

As I begin the day in quiet, I begin one of the most difficult tasks that I face each up control, stepping off of God's throne, allowing Him to be in charge. It's quite funny to really believe I am in control, it only takes a moment, a sudden turn of events, something unexpected, a situation which I cannot impact and the reality hits home. I am not in control! Why is this obvious fact so difficult for me to grasp?
Thankfully for me and all of you, I am not in charge, instead the Good One, the Perfect One, the Loving One, the God of Grace is working all things together for good.
As I move through life on earth, I begin the days with a simple prayer;
Jesus, You are my Lord and Savior. I am Your child, liberated and depending on Your power.
Therefore Christ, this is Your day to be lived for Your glory, work through my eyes, my mouth, my thoughts, my actions to carry out Your Victory.
Although I do not know the author of the prayer, the Author of Life, I know! Praise Him!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

How God Speaks

God speaks to us in many different ways, He speaks through His Word, through His people, through circumstances, through His creation, the list goes on...He Speaks to each of us individually. When the Word of God is preached, His Word accomplishes what He desires.
"How to have the perfect marriage" was the title of the sermon from Matthew 22, some were struck by our marriage as the bride of Christ, for others it was about sex, for others it was about Alzheimer's disease, for others it was about God's love in our marriages, for some the greatness of God, the great I AM was the key, and for others the message was about heaven. For some the message really did not mean anything to them at this time in their lives.
The significant impact on our lives comes when God speaks to us individually. It is all about God and what He through His Spirit speaks to His children...Thank You Father for your Word, Speak Lord, your servants are listening.
How to have the Perfect Marriage

Monday, May 16, 2011

How are we to live the Christian Life?

Often I am asked "How do you live the Christian life?" the answer is found in the title of this little blog, by Abiding in Grace. To begin we must understand that it is impossible to live the Christian life, not difficult,'s that for encouraging? You see to live the Christian life you must live perfectly, every action, every thought, every moment. Give Up? Surrender? That's the idea...we cannot do it, we cannot perform perfectly. Thankfully Christianity is not centered on performance but on a person, Jesus Christ! The Christian life is not about Christ, not about trying to mimic His lifestyle, not about trying to perform like He would perform...You see the Christian life is really not about Christ, IT IS CHRIST! He is alive and we are to surrender to Him and abide(dwell, tarry, depend) on Him to live through us. Give Him a chance today, ask Christ to live through you...even if it is only until lunchtime.
Colossians 3:3-4, Galatians 2:20

Saturday, May 14, 2011

It's About Father

Last week on Mother's day, my friend Bill spoke to the moms to remind them that this day was not really all about them but about their mothers. Take the focus off self and place the focus on your mother.
Today let's think about this as Father's day, take the focus off of ourselves and place the focus, not on our earthly dads, but on our Heavenly Father, the God of the universe.
How about just for today...think about your Heavenly Father, let Him be the focus!
Abide in Grace

Friday, May 13, 2011

We All Need God

It may seem odd to start a blog called "Abiding in Grace" with a message called "Why I Hate Religion", yet when we go beyond the surface we need the security, acceptance, significance and love which religion cannot provide. We must move beyond the world's system, the religious systems to the Redeemer.
Only in Christ can we abide in grace.

 Why I Hate Religion