Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Lord is Great

As I consider God, I mean the one true God of the universe, the Creator of this whole thing, the One who keeps the whole thing together, the One with the ultimate plan...yeah, that GOD. I often find myself trying to bring Him down to my level, trying to shape a god the way I think he should look, do the things I think he should do...make the story come out the way I think it should go.
We are pretty good at trying to shape a god for ourselves, of course we'll add some of His attributes, we'll take the love and the grace, but we'd often like to get rid of the justice, the holiness, the perfection and make Him more like us. Apart from Him we have none of His attributes, we think we know how things should unfold and when they don't, we are rocked.
When you stop and ponder the attributes of the God in charge, the One with the plan, when you stop and consider Him for a moment, you will praise God that neither you or I are running the universe.
God is in completely in charge, His ways are higher than our ways, He is above us in every-way and yet he stoops so we can get a glimpse of Him.
  Psalm 135:5-6  For I know that the Lord is great, And that our Lord is above all gods. Whatever the Lord pleases, He does, In heaven and in the earth, in the seas and in all deeps.
Stop for a moment today and consider Him, high and lifted up, in His glory, you may never be the same.

Monday, June 13, 2011


We are taught by our world to never surrender, never give up, never quit! We learn these lessons well, we fight on in most areas of life, we don't want to surrender a tennis match or the remote control for the TV, much less surrender our precious time, our precious money, our precious reputations. We are trained to always be in control, to have a back-up plan, be prepared for anything, to hold tightly to everything.

Then comes the Christian life, this life is all about surrender, we are to surrender everything to God. We overlook the fact that it is His time, His money, His reputation, He lives in us. We are not asked to surrender to some wicked king, to someone who wishes to destroy us, but to the God of the universe. The one who loves us and surrendered His Son to the cross to pay the price for our sin. He knows the price He paid, we can never understand.. we are asked to surrender the stuff we are clinging to so He can give us what really blesses us. Only He knows what is truly best, trust Him.
How about just for a few hours today, try surrendering your time, your stuff, your plans to the King. You never know what He will do.