Monday, December 5, 2011

God is not disappointed in you

Have you ever disappointed anyone? I mean really let them down, maybe it was your parents, kids, friends, spouse, boss, employees or your pastor. They were expecting you to come through and you failed, you fell short of their expectations. You were a disappointment.
We have all been in those situations, often what really hurts is the disappointment we feel toward ourselves. We know we let someone down; we can feel embarrassed, worthless, like a loser, shamed. We can wallow in our shame for years, feeling judged by every observation anyone makes about us or our lives. It is easy to take these same beliefs into our relationship with God. We sin, we fail, thus we believe God is disappointed in us. We know we have let Him down. At these times, we become convinced whatever happens, God must be punishing me. He must be judging me, paying me back for my failures.
Today I bring you good news of great joy, God is not disappointed in you!!
To be disappointed by definition means to be sad or displeased because someone or something failed to fulfill one's expectations.
But God knows!!! He is infinite, all-knowing, the Great I AM! God is not bound by time, He is eternal, no beginning, no end, He is I AM.
For God to be disappointed you would have to fail to meet His expectations, but God knows, He expects you to be here now. Take your situation and turn to Almighty God. He knows everything about you and loves you anyway!
Discipline not Disappointment


  1. I wish I had known this a lot of years ago. God knows everything and God loves me anyway. WOW

  2. Steve - I am so glad you posted this. I was thinking when you talked about this in your sermon a while a go - gosh - people really ache to know this - it really hits people where they hurt. It's really really really hard to believe, but what about grace is easy to believe? Thanks for sharing - amy

  3. Steve, thanks for posting this! I hear you touch on this in a sermon a while back. Reading it gave me the whole, beautiful picture. gratefully, Greg
